Friday, May 29, 2009

Went to a new doctor today...he did my ppd and said he'll gladly pick up where that last doc left off. Realized that I'll be needing two vaccines though, so hopefully it won't cost me a fortune to get them! Once this is done then i'm only waiting to receive my lab results in the mail, and i'm done! sidebar: have you other applicants heard that the medical clearance wait time has doubled to four months now?? Apparently april to august is the super busy season so there's a delay. On top of this, medical packets are reviewed based on departure date, not date received, so i may be waiting even LONGER for clearance since my departure isn't until next year...ugh!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Almost there...

Hey there! I know I haven't put up an update in a couple of weeks, but I didn't want to bore you all with my daily bouts of PC

Anyway, I'm a good ways through the medical process now. I ASSUMED (silly me) that I'd have one doctor's visit, one dentist visit and POOF!, it'd be over. Soooo wrong. Now, before I go bad-mouthing the VA hospital, let me say that I AMMM grateful that we can get free medical exams and labs and all that jazz there. But gee willickers...there is so much frikkin red tape to go through.

There I was yesterday, staring at the doctor that I needed to see...watching her sit idly at her desk, and yet, when I asked her to finish completing paperwork that she started for me TWO WEEKS AGO, she says "Sorry, it's Tuesday, I'm doing Diabetes clinics...I have no time! Come back Friday!". Oh, so you have not even FIVE frikkin minutes to jot down my lab results and sign off on this damn medical form?! You want me to take off of work AGAIN for five. frikkin. minutes.?! Thanks. Not to mention that the last time I left her, I realized that she filled how part of my form incorrectly. She checked off that I had THYROID DISEASE!! Umm...that's a big WHOOPS if you ask ME! least most of my medical is completed. I'm waiting on gyno labs to come in, the urinalysis that she FORGOT to order the first time I came in, HIV test results and umm...the only thing I actually have to do is get the tuberculosis test. This is the only real headache because I can't take off any more days of work right now...I have to figure out a place that will do it for me on my lunch break. Plus with the PPD, you have to return to have the spot where they stuck you analyzed in 72 hours...ugh.

As for dental, besides costing me a million bucks...(okay, $400), it's sooo time consuming...I've now been to the dentist THREE times in one month, and I have to go back for one more filling on the 9th, because my dentist had a graduation to attend, so he couldn't finish yesterday...ahh well! Once these things are complete, off goes my med packet WOOOHOOO!!

Okay, done with my rant/update. :-)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Torture Chamber

So...Tuesday was supposed to be my lunchtime dentist appointment. Simple procedure: Take x-rays, Clean my teeth, Tell me I'm all clear for PC. Reality struck, and instead, I spent TWO HOURS letting this 90 year old dentist hack at my mouth like a hibachi grill! Final outcome: I must have my two wisdom teeth removed and get a couple of fillings. Argh!!

The silver lining is that he was one of the ICD dentists that does free exams and xrays for PC applicants so...I can only complain but so much! At least I've gotten closer to completing one of the many steps toward volunteering...follow up torture session: Saturday morning :(

Other than that, my dad came back yesterday from being in Nigeria for a month, so I was finally able to get his take on all of these new PC developments in my life. He really would like me to volunteer in an African country, but honestly, I have my heart set on Latin America...(fingers crossed)